Friday, December 17, 2010


Have you ever had dreams or aspirations? Is there something in your life that makes you feel alive when you do it? I hope the answer to these questions is yes. I believe that God places dreams and aspirations in us for a purpose. He gives us gifts and talents to bring Him pleasure. And what makes me feel the most alive is singing. I'm reminded of a quote from the movie Chariots of Fire based on the life of Eric Liddell. In the movie Eric says,

"I believe that God made me for a purpose...but he also made me fast. And when I run, I feel HIS pleasure!"

I love to sing because when I sing to God I feel His pleasure and His presence. It's the most wonderful feeling I have ever experienced. I would sing all day long if I could. My dream is to be in full time ministry as a worship leader, traveling and sharing the gospel where the Lord would lead. And I would love to be with orphans. Loving those that are often forgotten by man, but never forsaken by God. I want to see lives changed for the King. I want to see souls won and set for eternity with my Lord.

The Lord reminded me a week ago that there is a time and a season for everything. That He finds pleasure in me when I sing. And He also finds pleasure in me when I take care of my children and cook meals for my family. He likes it when I share Jesus with someone I meet at the store. He delights in me when I clean the house and call a friend on the phone and encourage them. He likes it when I talk with Him throughout my day. He delights in me every moment. And He knows that I have dreams and aspirations. And He gave them to me for a purpose.

His plans for our lives are so much bigger then we could ever hope for or imagine. And if I strive in my own strength to make my dreams come true then I may miss what He had in store for me.

God is helping me to be content to set certain gifts on the shelf at present for the sake of my family. He is teaching me that He is more interested in what I am than in what I do. ~Sandra K. Strubhar

I write all of this in hopes that it would encourage you to keep dreaming. And continue enjoying His presence while you allow Him to take care of the rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, Jessica! I believe God really does take pleasure in His kids and it's great to remember that He is with us every moment and in every circumstance... no matter how mundane! Good words!