Friday, December 31, 2010

5 months

Abigail is 5 months now. It seems like she has started doing so many new things over the past few weeks. Here are some things she likes:

reaching for her toes
sucking her thumb
sticking out her tongue
rolling across the room
toys that squeak
laying on her back & kicking her legs
sitting up longer without help
getting up on her hands & knees
watching Samuel
petting Toby

Abigail had a lot to say during Christmas dinner

Friday, December 17, 2010


Have you ever had dreams or aspirations? Is there something in your life that makes you feel alive when you do it? I hope the answer to these questions is yes. I believe that God places dreams and aspirations in us for a purpose. He gives us gifts and talents to bring Him pleasure. And what makes me feel the most alive is singing. I'm reminded of a quote from the movie Chariots of Fire based on the life of Eric Liddell. In the movie Eric says,

"I believe that God made me for a purpose...but he also made me fast. And when I run, I feel HIS pleasure!"

I love to sing because when I sing to God I feel His pleasure and His presence. It's the most wonderful feeling I have ever experienced. I would sing all day long if I could. My dream is to be in full time ministry as a worship leader, traveling and sharing the gospel where the Lord would lead. And I would love to be with orphans. Loving those that are often forgotten by man, but never forsaken by God. I want to see lives changed for the King. I want to see souls won and set for eternity with my Lord.

The Lord reminded me a week ago that there is a time and a season for everything. That He finds pleasure in me when I sing. And He also finds pleasure in me when I take care of my children and cook meals for my family. He likes it when I share Jesus with someone I meet at the store. He delights in me when I clean the house and call a friend on the phone and encourage them. He likes it when I talk with Him throughout my day. He delights in me every moment. And He knows that I have dreams and aspirations. And He gave them to me for a purpose.

His plans for our lives are so much bigger then we could ever hope for or imagine. And if I strive in my own strength to make my dreams come true then I may miss what He had in store for me.

God is helping me to be content to set certain gifts on the shelf at present for the sake of my family. He is teaching me that He is more interested in what I am than in what I do. ~Sandra K. Strubhar

I write all of this in hopes that it would encourage you to keep dreaming. And continue enjoying His presence while you allow Him to take care of the rest.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And then there was a van...

Before we left to see Cody's family in California a friend from our church said something to Cody. She said, "I just have this feeling that you will be coming back with a vehicle." Then Cody remembered a dream he had a couple months ago. In the dream he was picking out a van. For those that don't know we have been borrowing a Geo Metro from our landlords for a few months now. We have been praying and trying to save up money to buy our own vehicle. So when our friend made this statement we were excited at the possibly of what God might have in store for us.

While heading back to Cody from the Denver airport we stopped at a gas station just before sunset. After getting gas Cody went to turn on the headlights and realized they would not turn on. So, Cody called a friend of ours from Missouri to see if he could help him. Our friend said he had had a dream the night before about us and had been praying for us that day. While in prayer he had this feeling that we might be on the side of the road somewhere. It was comforting to know that the Lord had someone interceding for us ahead of time. We ended up staying at a hotel that night in Glendo, WY and headed to Cody the next morning. About 5 minutes from home I got a phone call from my friend Laura who is from Cody. She said she felt the Lord leading her to give us her van! It is a '93 Dodge Grand Caravan ES. It has been sitting in her driveway and has had people offer to buy it, but she never felt led to sell it. It's in great condition and it is the perfect size for our family! I am in awe once again with the Lord. He provides in His perfect timing.

"The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him." Lam. 3:25

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Our journey to go visit Cody's family for Thanksgiving began with a drive to Boulder, Co. We drove to Boulder on Friday, November 19th and stayed the night with my sister and brother in law. It was fun to be with them for the evening and they made yummy chicken and dumpling soup for dinner. It was also fun for me to see my sister with her baby bump. That's right, she's about 23 weeks pregnant. I am so happy she gets to have the experience of pregnancy and motherhood. I'm also pretty excited to become an aunt! Heather took us to the airport the next morning. And we were headed for Placerville, Ca. We had a great time with Cody's family. Cody's dad has 8 brother's and sister's. Since Thanksgiving is the only time many of them are able to be together during the year they had a lot planned. Here are some highlights from the week:

Flying on Southwest Airlines

Celebrating Samuel's 3rd birthday (Dec.14) early

Samuel wearing the hat and scarf Grandma Laurie made for him

All dressed up for Thanksgiving day

Aunt Ashley and Abigail having fun bowling

Samuel went fishing for the first time with Grandpa John and Cody. He caught a German Brown Trout. It was15 inches long!

Playing the guitar Grandma & Grandpa got him for Christmas

Celebrating Cody's birthday (Dec.28) early

Friday, December 3, 2010

4 months

Thanks for the cute outfit Aunt Vicky!

Thanks for the lady bug toy Grandpa & Grandma Morris!

Abigail had her4 month check up on Thursday. She weighed 14.9 pounds and was 24 3/8 inches long!

Here are some things she likes:

reaching for and grabbing things
putting anything in her mouth and chewing on it
drooling a lot
sitting up in her chair
smiling often
laughing and smiling at her brother when he talks to her or roars like a lion
laughing when you tickle her
laying on her tummy and pushing herself up with her hands
rolling from her tummy to her back
standing with help
blowing bubbles