Friday, December 3, 2010

4 months

Thanks for the cute outfit Aunt Vicky!

Thanks for the lady bug toy Grandpa & Grandma Morris!

Abigail had her4 month check up on Thursday. She weighed 14.9 pounds and was 24 3/8 inches long!

Here are some things she likes:

reaching for and grabbing things
putting anything in her mouth and chewing on it
drooling a lot
sitting up in her chair
smiling often
laughing and smiling at her brother when he talks to her or roars like a lion
laughing when you tickle her
laying on her tummy and pushing herself up with her hands
rolling from her tummy to her back
standing with help
blowing bubbles

1 comment:

Sheila King said...

beautiful children you have Cody and Jess. I am so glad you got to go to Cali to see Cody's family. Looks like you had a great time! Miss and love you all! The Kings.