Wednesday, June 27, 2012


On our way to California we stopped to see Ashley in Tempe, Arizona. We had dinner at a fun Italian place called Oregano's. The kids play with pizza dough while we waited for our food. :)

Too tired to finish her lunch. 

Abigail being friendly with the girls in our row at the River Cats game.

This Dinger Dog was a foot long! We were able to split it four ways between Cody, Abigail, Samuel and myself.
These pictures are from Memorial Day, Samuel's camping trip and Mother's Day. (You can click on them to see them better.) I know I am really behind in posting these, but we have been busy getting things ready for the baby. I am 39.5 weeks now and we are excited to find out if this little one is a boy or a girl! I had an ultrasound done last week and the baby's head is down very low and is getting ready for departure. :) I told the ultrasound technician at the beginning that I did not want to know the sex of the baby. He said he could tell the sex of the baby and then asked me 3 times during the ultrasound if I wanted to find out. He asked me if I had any questions and before I could speak he said, "You want to know the sex of the baby? Haha, just kidding." He made me laugh, but I declined. I feel very blessed. Morning sickness ended after the first trimester and since then I have had hardly any discomfort during the pregnancy. I still enjoy walking, taking an afternoon nap with the kids and having the occasional mid-night snack. :) 

Camping at Ice House

Samuel ready to go fishing. They didn't catch any fish, but he said he did catch some pine needles. :)

Mother's Day

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Audubon Zoo

In April, we had a great time taking the kids to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans. It was one of the biggest zoos we have ever been to. We spent about 4 hours there and did not even see everything the zoo had to offer. We saw rhinos, sea lions, black bears, flamingoes, and alligators just to name a few. Those are the only alligators we encountered while living in Louisiana. :) I think the kids favorite parts were the playground, the petting zoo and a water pool area that had rocks that Samuel loved to climb.