Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back Home

The Lord has continued to do miraculous things in the lives of people on the streets of Seattle. For those who haven't known, Cody and a friend hitch hiked up the west coast and the Lord led them to Seattle. Cody had been gone about 40 days traveling up the west coast, sharing the gospel and ministering to the homeless and drug addicts in Seattle. Though it was cold and rainy for much of Cody's time in Seattle, the Lord gave him a heart of compassion for the homeless and he is thankful for the opportunity he got to live like they live for a moment.

One weekend, our good friend Steve flew into Seattle to see his brother and do work on his brothers house. He was able to contact Cody and Cody helped Steve work on his brothers property that weekend. Steve's brother welcomed Cody to stay in his home and Cody was thankful to be in a warm place, take a warm shower and sleep on a comfy couch. The Lord also provided a plane ticket for Cody to get back to California which we were very thankful for. Samuel and I picked up Cody at the San Jose Airport Tuesday, the 19th! We were all excited to see each other and Cody was amazed by how much Samuel has changed over the past month. He is saying so many new words and putting together 3 and 4 words to make phrases. Our time apart has caused us to fall more in love with the Lord and with each other.

I also got to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time on Tuesday. It was strong and didn't take long for the nurse to find it. I'm at 14 1/2 weeks and definately starting to show! I'm excited to be in the 2nd trimester!