Wednesday, February 13, 2013

7 months with Humility

Boy, does time fly when you are having fun. That seems to be the case with my kids anyway. They are a lot of fun and I feel very blessed to get to be their mommy. It does not seem possible, but somehow Humilty has mastered the art of crawling and is now venturing the world of pulling up and standing. I have told her that she can slow down, but she continues to crawl into new rooms and territories that she desires to conquer.  At her 6 month check-up she weighed 17.8 lbs. and was 26 3/4 inches long.

Things she likes: 

-whenever Samuel or Abigail come into the room
-seeing other kids
-rolling from back to tummy and vise versa
-grabbing her feet when I change her diaper
-when they sing or talk to her
-trying new foods
-banging her hands on her highchair tray
-feeding herself with a spoon
-jabbering (her new favorite word is on the video below :))
-chewing on things (anything)
-anything she can put in her mouth (we try to hide Toby's dog bone)

Things she does not like:

-taking a bath
-the sound of the vacuum 

Turned 7 months on February 6th

She loves her big brother and sister. She thinks they are the best. (I know how she feels)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Samuel's 5th Birthday!

Samuel had fun painting his jet that Heather and Jay sent him for his birthday
Samuel turned FIVE in December! We celebrated his birthday with family at Round Table pizza. He had fun playing the games and even shared some of his quarters with Abigail. He is such a great big brother and loves his little sisters so much. Wow! This sweet boy has brought so much joy to my life. Samuel is my big helper and has a heart to serve others. He is such a special gift from God and I am so blessed to get to be his mom. I feel so privileged that I have gotten to be a stay-at-home mom these past five years to watch him grow into the young man that he is becoming. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I was home for Christmas

My niece Eden was 3 months old when we met for the first time at Christmas.

Humility was captivated by my brother playing the guitar.

Samuel wanted snow for Christmas. And it snowed when we went to my Uncle Mike's house.

Having fun during our layover on our way to see my parents for Christmas!!

Humility and Eden meet for the first time.  :)

We love sweet cousin Eden.

It was fun to see cousins that I hadn't seen in years! I also got to meet my cousins  daughter Okleigh. Abigail and Okleigh are only one month apart. All the "little" cousins had fun playing together.

It was so wonderful to be with my family for the Holidays. Making memories that we will treasure  always. We look forward to the next time we will all be together. We love you all!