Saturday, July 14, 2012

Humility Faith is here!

Humility Faith Morris was born Friday, July 6th at 12:22pm. She was 6 lbs. 12.5 oz. and 19.5 inches long. I woke up with contractions around 5:30 that morning and labored at home until about 10:35am. My contractions were not very consistant in that they were sometimes 10 minutes a part with the next one being 5 minutes a part. But we decided it was time to go the hospital when I felt like I needed to push! I was thankful the hospital was only 10 minutes away. We got to the hospital at 10:45 and we are thankful she came into the world with a smooth labor and delivery with no complications. Throughout my pregnancy I had been praying for a quick labor and delivery. And it went a lot faster than I had expected! Right after Cody cut the umbilical cord they laid her on my stomach and she peed and pooped on me! We were happy to find out everything was working well in that department. :) They usually check the weight and measure the baby right after a baby is born, but because they were so busy with other mothers giving birth we got to cuddle our new little one for about an hour. I'm glad we got to have that special bonding time right after she was born.

We love our new little blessing from God. Humility makes the sweetest baby noises and loves to cuddle. Samuel and Abigail love to help take care of their little sister. They like to hold her and give her kisses. They also like to bring stuffed animals for her to look at. If I have Humility laying on the floor Abigail likes to bring her a blanket. Samuel likes to help me change her diaper and change her clothes. It is very fun to watch them interact with their baby sister.

Friday, July 13, 2012