Monday, February 28, 2011

birthday surprises

look what i can do mommy

toby is so good with the kids

sweet kisses from a sweet brother

my little valentines

fun in the tub

thanks for my book grandma & grandpa bowler

Cody surprised me a week before my birthday and said he wanted to celebrate early! He dropped me off at Maurices and told me I could spend up to $300! I didn't end up spending that much but it was a real treat to get to shop without the kids. After that he brought me my favorite sandwich from the Breadboard and we drove up to Billings. I did a little more clothes shopping and then we came back to Cody. We went to dinner at a place we hadn't tried before called the Rib and Chop House. After enjoying a yummy meal we headed home where I opened up presents. It was a fun weekend! I turned 27 on the 20th and Cody took us out to an Italian restaurant in town. They brought out a yummy ice cream pie at the end of our meal and Samuel blew out the candle. :) I am very thankful that the Lord has blessed me with 27 years of life. I am also thankful for my loving husband and two beautiful children. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for us this year.

Samuel likes playing with the kids at Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). We go on Thursdays and his teacher said he answers a lot of the questions after the bible story. Samuel loves to have books read to him. He also likes to use his imagination and is able to play by himself for a while with his animals and cars. He likes making up stories and he likes to make up songs while playing his guitar.

Abigail turned 7 months on the 26th. It feels like she is growing up so fast. Here are some things she liked doing this month:

crawling everywhere
pulling herself up to stand
playing with Toby and Samuel
saying dada!
splashing in the bath tub
climbing up steps
sucking her thumb
playing in Toby's water dish when Mama wasn't looking :)

Friday, February 25, 2011


I want to be hungry for more of God. But there are some things in my life that want to pull me away from that desire. When I feast on the things of this world, be it media, movies, books, t.v., facebook, etc...I find my hunger for God lessens. I feel like I get fat on these other things in my life. Sometimes to the point where they become idols. And when I walk away from them I realize they are not able to fill the hunger pains that are inside. The only One who can fulfill my hunger is Jesus.

"One of the greatest uses for Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time." -John Piper

Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." This is the first and great commandment. "And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' (Matthew 22:37-39)

When I pour my time and energy into the things I listed above can I really do what the Lord has called me to do. I'm not saying that all forms of entertainment are bad. I think these things can be used for good. I have been convicted by the Holy Spirit to cut back on these things in my life, so I can make more room for Him.

I heard this verse the other day and it struck me:

"I have not departed from the commands of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food." Job 23:13

Do I treasure God's word more than food? I want my answer to be yes. I'm realizing how many times I check my email each day versus opening my Bible. Or how many times I check my facebook versus waiting on the Lord and seeking His face. I am waiting, checking, wondering when I will receive my awaited answer. Now I can see how much time I was wasting with these. How much time I could have been waiting on the Lord, seeking His face and reading His word. Communing with Him. Getting to know Him better. Receiving an answer from Him.

I like the following quote by Bill Johnson. He is the pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California:

"In the physical we become hungry by not eating. In the spiritual we become hungry by eating God's word. Eat (read) God's word and get in His presence and you will become hungry for more of Him."

It think it's time for me to turn off some distractions.

It's time for me to feast on His word.

It's time for me to wait for His voice.

It's time for me to set certain things aside for something greater.

Someone more powerful.

Someone more satifying.

I feel like He's drawn a line in the sand and is asking me to cross it and follow Him. I ask myself, "Am I willing to leave these things behind for Him?" He longs to be with me. And He longs to be with you also. He's waiting for us. He's hungry for us.

Will we be hungry for Him too?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


January has brought many firsts for us. Abigail started eating baby food, had her two front bottom teeth come in and she started crawling two weeks ago! We gave Samuel a bike with training wheels for his birthday. He has had the opportunity to ride it on a few days when it wasn't too cold out. Samuel has been doing really well using the potty! :) He now only wears a diaper for his afternoon nap and at night. We are so proud of what of big boy he is becoming!

mmmm...rice cereal

best buds

Samuel 3 years, Abigail 6 months

At Abigail's 6 month check up she weighed 16.5 pounds and was 26 inches long. She has gained 10 pounds since she was born. Here are some things Abigail liked this month:

finding Toby's toys and chewing on them
finding Toby's dog food and playing in it
eating her favorite baby food: squash
sitting up without support
sucking her thumb
kicking her legs when she's excited
making different sounds like: squeals, laughing, raspberries and buh, buh,buh...

big eater

on the move