Monday, September 27, 2010

Dos Meses

Abigail running for the next President. Samuel as her VP.

2 months old!

sleeping beauty

Abigail turned 2 months old yesterday! At her 2 month check up she weighed 12 pounds and 2 ounces and was 22 1/2 inches long.

Things she likes:
Sleeping (often sleeps 7-8 hours straight at night!)
Drinking Mama's milk
Smiling at you when she wakes up
Getting a clean diaper
Talking to you (cooing and making cute sounds)
Holding your finger in her hand
Listening to music

Sometimes Abigail has a hard time falling asleep. She cries, fusses, kicks and screams; she fights against the very thing she needs. I walk with her up and down the hall doing a bouncy dance until she calms down and falls asleep. One night while doing this bouncy dance I had a thought, and I felt like the thought came from the Lord. I thought that at times we are all a little bit like Abigail, fighting against the very thing that is best for us, pushing away Gods instruction and blessing. God tells us to give worry to Him, but sometimes we just don't want to let it go. God instructs us to lay down our sins, but sometimes we don't want to give them up. And sometimes we're just cranky because we don't get our own way, fussing and crying like babies. But when we, finally give up the fight and surrender, then we receive the peace and blessings God intended for us in the first place.

It is His kindness that leads us to repentance; the patience and gentle persuasion of our God of love. Our Heavenly Father will walk up and down the halls of life with us doing the bouncy dance until we finally surrender to Him.

"Or do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?" Romans 2:4

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Samuel the Extraordinaire

With Samuel approaching his 3rd birthday in just a few more months I've been thinking more about how I would like to do homeschooling. Samuel loves to read books with me and is doing really well identifying animals, shapes and colors. I've been trying to think of some fun projects we can do to incorporate learning while having fun. This month I found out how to make a bird feeder out of a milk carton. We put the bird feeder outside our window and I think it's too high for the birds to find it. But we've had fun throwing bird seed out for them to eat. Last week we made play dough. Which brought back memories of me making it with my mom.

Stunts on stools?

Finger painting and bird feeder

Homemade Play Dough

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I've been feeling very blessed lately. I feel blessed to have a wonderful husband who loves me and is a great father to our children. Who loves the Lord and desires to live each moment for Him. I feel blessed to get to snuggle with such a cute and cuddly 6 week old girl named Abigail. Who can't crawl or run away from my cuddles yet, so I'm trying to get in as many as I can. I feel blessed to get to hang out with a smart, charming, funny, cute and creative 2 1/2 year old named Samuel. Who makes me laugh and smile everyday and encourages me to enjoy the simple things in life and not to worry. I feel blessed to have a Savior, who loves me and died for me. And He loves me not for who I am or anything I have done, but because of who He is.

Samuel had fun riding the horse at the Red Lodge Pizza Co.

"Are you my Mommy?"

Watching hail on a Sunday afternoon

Pretty in pink and poka-dots

Samuel loves those Mr. Potato Head glasses

Big Smiles

"I'm even cute when I cry."

My favorite

Future golfer in the making....I think so :)

The Word