Saturday, March 14, 2009

15 Months and Counting

Samuel is 15 months old today! Can you believe it. He is becoming more handsome everyday and looking more and more like his daddy! We are amazed at all the things he can do and look forward to watching him learn how to make more sounds. Samuel has moved on from "baby food" for the most part. He has 10 teeth fully in and two more working there way through. He can walk really fast and looks like he's almost running sometimes. He has a friend named Selah who had her 1st birthday yesterday. They are becoming best buds. They both like to listen to music and dance. They will go up to the stereo and turn it up really loud. Then they dance. Samuel's favorite move is to sway his head back and forth like a lion. One day Samuel even took her hand, dancing to the music he bounced up and down. They can be affectionate too. They sometimes give eachother hugs and Selah gave him a kiss on the cheek yesterday. We'll keep you updated on their relationship :)

Through prayer Cody and Julian felt led to apply at Google. They are applying through our friend Teresa's department. She overseas the department that is scanning a ton of books. Google wants to have books available online for the public. So that is what her department is doing. It seems like monotonous work, but they can listen to music on an ipod and there is no dress code! They have completed the online application and are going to do the online test next. We will keep you posted. In the past couple weeks I have started home schooling an 11 year old girl who is staying with us. It is a fun challenge to plan lessons and think of things that will be fun, but educational for her to do each day. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday we do Math, Spelling, Reading and Language Arts. On Tuesday and Thursday she joins with Liam (Rachelle's 7 yr old) for Science, History and Geography. Rachelle teaches Science, I do History and we teach Geography together. This week we have been learning about South America in Geography. I enjoy teaching and look forward to homeschooling Samuel.