When in rhythm there is an unstoppable fluidity, a harmony, a momentous unity. I have begun to run again these past two weeks and while doing so the Holy Spirit is teaching me with faint, yet intimate whispers about rhythm. Not only am I learning how to run and have fun while doing so, I am also learning life lessons as I run with the Teacher, Holy Spirit. While I run I am noticing the importance of my body staying in rhythm with itself. What I mean by this is whatever pattern of speed and pace I stride to, my arms too must move with my legs; not only the arms and legs, but my breathing, and state of mind as well. The stronger the fluidity and longer the harmony of my body in sync with itself, the greater vitality I seem to have as I run. The value of the run is maximized. Enjoyment, stamina, strength, and endurance are all working for me.
There is always opposition on runs, whether it is the terrain, climate, weather conditions, energy level of my body, or incline. But the more I seem to stay in a running rhythm the greater chance for success I put before myself. The less I am in rhythm the more I put extra resistance in my path. Such is the challenge of abiding in the rhythms of the Holy Spirit. When I am in rhythm with the Holy Spirit there is an unstoppable fluidity, a harmony, a momentous unity. When abiding in Spirit it is impossible for me not to fulfill my destiny.
The journey of my faith walk is similar to the terrain that is before me when I run. There are times that I run on flat pavement and other times up inclines or down them. There are times that I run at a slow pace and other times that I am flying with the wind. Christ is the author and the finisher of our faith, the journey before us is already established if we dare to partner with His leadership. There are season when I am moving in His Spirit at a steady pace with ease. There are other times that I am moving so fast downhill it is hard to keep my feet under myself. These are the times when Gods grace is pushing me forward, taking new ground in an accelerated time. Almost everything I touch prospers and I feel like, "how much more can I take?" At times there are mountains that stand before me and I am not only taking ground forward, but yet at the same time vertically. These are the times when my true grit is discovered, when the heart is revealed and faith is tested. I personally feel I am in one of these seasons at this present time. The pace is slow, the battle is on two fronts and my heart is ready to explode giving all I know how. The ground being won seems insignificant and I am tempted to give up and turn back around but that will be to no avail.
Rhythm, the secret to vitality, the path toward victory in God. The more I learn to stay in rhythm with the Holy Spirit the greater my potential is for enjoyment in God, victory, and ultimately fulfilling my destiny and making history. The less I am in rhythm the more unnecessary resistance I place before myself. God and the devil already are planning resistance in my life. Gods resistance is working good toward me and producing fruit. The devils resistance is set in my path to kill, steal, and destroy. I don't need anymore resistance! I believe this is sufficient.
Father, teach me how to in all things stay in rhythm with your Spirit. With your consuming fire burn away all of the mindsets, affections, and behaviors that hinder this dance of intimacy and friendship with your Spirit. Help me to surrender!
This was an excerpt from Cody's journal.
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