I feel very blessed when I sit back and look at the children the Lord has given us. As Samuel is growing and maturing I wonder what his desires will be as he gets older. Will he continue to love sports, playing instruments and reading stories with his Mommy? Right now he gets excited about the littlest things in life. Or should I say the things that seem small to me. Going to the library, watching a movie, getting a piece of candy, getting a new toy: all these things that seem small to me are exciting to him.
I feel the Lord is showing me through my son to enjoy the small things in life. Often I am looking forward to certain events. Or waiting for this tribulation or that trial to end. And when that event happens or that trial is over what then? The Lord wants me to take each moment as it comes. Looking for Him in the midst of it. Enjoying the moment with Him. No matter how insignifcant something may seem in my eyes, EVERYTHING is significant to Him.
I imagine a child trying to get his moms attention while she is glued to the t.v. or a book. The child says, "Hey mom, I want to show you something!" And the mom says, "Just a minute..."
Sometimes I see myself as that mom and God is trying to get my attention like the child. God is saying, "Look over here, Jessica I want to share this hidden treasure with you! Won't you pay attention for a moment so I can share it with you?"
God is in each moment and circumstance hoping that we will turn to Him, look into His eyes of love and draw near.
I want to pay attention. I don't want to miss one moment.
i try to unload the dishes before she gets there, but she's pretty fast
fuzzy hair
this is what he did when we told him to smile :)

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