August 3rd-10th we had the pleasure of my sister, Heather and brother-in-law, Jay coming to visit us. We had a great time being together and enjoyed Heather's yummy cooking skills. Cody and Jay spent one afternoon hiking up a nearby mountain. I know Samuel enjoyed having them with us as well. We also drove just outside of Cody where a Japanese Internment camp was located in 1942. The Heart Mountain Relocation Center was one of 10 temporary camps used to confine 110,000 Japanese men, women and children who were forced to leave their homes in different states along the west coast. It was the only camp located in Wyoming. Although surrounded by barbed wire fence and armed guards the people tried to live as a "normal" community to the best of their ability. Though it was sad to revisit the reality of what the government has done in the past to the Japanese-Americans, I was very interested to learn another part of the history of our nation.

cuddle time

Samuel and Heather having fun finger painting

It was so great to have Heather and Jay here with us! We love you guys!
On August 12th, we were also blessed with a quick visit with our friends Sean and Sheila. They were on their way to see Sheila's family in Minnesota and stayed one night with us. This was our first time getting to meet their youngest boy Stetson. He turns 1 in September. Samuel had a blast playing with their 3 kids and new puppy :) It was so fun to have their family come to visit.

Samuel with their new puppy

Trying to get everyone to smile :)

You can never give too many kisses

Abigail 3 1/2 weeks old
Some other recent news is that Cody is going to be starting a new job soon! He will be working for a company called Varney's Clean Care. He will start working there on August 30th. Some of the things Varney's specializes in are: cleaning carpets, furniture and air ducts. They also receive emergency calls for fire damage, water damage and mold. So, Cody might get called back to work after hours if there is an emergency.We feel so thankful for this new job the Lord has provided.
And the kids are doing great! Samuel never ceases to amaze me with how bright he is. I love hearing the things he comes up with. While Heather and Jay were here he liked piling pillows on top of Jay and then standing on them. While on top of a stack of pillows he said, "I am up in the sandwich!" He is so fun. Abigail is still eating well and seems to be getting cuter everyday. When you hold her up she tries to hold her head up on her own and she does a pretty good job at it. At her two week check up she weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and the doctor said she is healthy. She's also smiling more and is starting to make cute baby sounds. I feel so blessed with these children the Lord has given us. Thank you, Lord!
"I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High." Psalm 9:1-2
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