These pictures are from Memorial Day, Samuel's camping trip and Mother's Day. (You can click on them to see them better.) I know I am really behind in posting these, but we have been busy getting things ready for the baby. I am 39.5 weeks now and we are excited to find out if this little one is a boy or a girl! I had an ultrasound done last week and the baby's head is down very low and is getting ready for departure. :) I told the ultrasound technician at the beginning that I did not want to know the sex of the baby. He said he could tell the sex of the baby and then asked me 3 times during the ultrasound if I wanted to find out. He asked me if I had any questions and before I could speak he said, "You want to know the sex of the baby? Haha, just kidding." He made me laugh, but I declined. I feel very blessed. Morning sickness ended after the first trimester and since then I have had hardly any discomfort during the pregnancy. I still enjoy walking, taking an afternoon nap with the kids and having the occasional mid-night snack. :)

Camping at Ice House
Samuel ready to go fishing. They didn't catch any fish, but he said he did catch some pine needles. :)
Mother's Day