Saturday, July 31, 2010

5 Days Old

My parents planned on coming to visit us for the last week of July. With my due date being July 22nd I had prayed that Abigail would be born sometime while they were here. Little did I know that God was going to answer my prayer.

My parents arrived here on Sunday evening July 25th. Early Monday morning I woke up around 2 with labor contractions. I continued to labor at home until around 6:45 a.m. when my contractions were 4 minutes apart. My parents watched Samuel for us while we were at the hospital. This would be Samuel's first night away from me so it was such a blessing to know Samuel would be well taken care of and I know my parents enjoyed this one-on-one time with him as well. When we got to the hospital I found out I was 7 cm dilated. Cody was a big support for me throughout the labor process. He would massage my lower back during the contractions and dab my forehead with a wet wash cloth when I got hot. I also got to use a jacuzzi a couple time while going through labor. This helped me to relax during the contractions which helped my labor to progress. Once I began the pushing process, it took about an hour until Abigail was born. When she was born she was covered in meconium. The doctor said this happens to babies when they are under stress. She also had a knot in her umbilical cord. So we believe she may have not been getting as much nutrients during the last week or so.

Once Abigail was born I forgot about any discomfort or pain that I had experienced. When they laid her on my chest it took a little while to sink in that I had just given birth to our baby girl. It felt kind of surreal like someone else had just gone through the labor and the delivery. A couple hours later I felt this wave of thanksgiving come over me. I felt so grateful that I got to experience a natural birth without any complications or medication after having a c-section with Samuel. Doing a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) is against the policies at our hospital here in Cody, WY. I'm thankful the Lord provided me with a doctor that supported me in my decision to do a VBAC. I'm so thankful to Jesus for being my source of strength and for giving me grace through the labor and delivery.

We had a great time with my parents the remainder of the week. They were such a blessing to us helping with laundry, cooking meals, walking Toby, playing with Samuel and just being the great company that they are. I am so glad they got to be here to help us welcome Abigail into the world. Abigail is such a sweet baby. She is never fussy. She is very content as long as she has been fed and has a clean diaper. And Samuel loves her so much. If she is crying he will bring me her pacifier or blanket to try to comfort her. He also likes to hold her (with assistance) and gives her hugs and kisses. The week has seemed to fly by and my parents left this morning to head back to Missouri. I am so thankful to God for how He planned their arrival and Abigail's birth this week. I couldn't have planned it better myself.

"For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them." Psalm 139:13-16

Our little sweet pea

Daddy's little girl

Love at first sight

Grandpa Bowler gave Samuel his first set of clubs and first golf lesson!

What a blessing it was to have them here the week of Abigail's birth.

Fun at the river

Abigail's first outing: Scenic drive on Chief Joseph Highway

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Abigail has Arrived!

We are happy to announce that Abigail Grace Ann Morris was born Monday, July 26th at 3:12 pm! She was 6 pounds 5.5 ounces and 20 inches long. Jess was able to do a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) with no medication and the delivery went well. Jess and Abigail are doing great! They were released from the hospital today. Samuel is a great big brother and likes to give Abigail hugs and kisses. Thank you for all of your prayers during the pregnancy and delivery. We love you all very much.

Fresh out of Mommy's tummy

A burger and fries hit the spot after the delivery!

Proud Big Brother

Friday, July 23, 2010

What is eternal life?

And this is eternal life that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. John 17:3

The glory, beauty, and holiness of eternity is not a detached, distant future event, but is our inheritance as sons and daughters of the living God that we have access to in the now. Our ideas of eternity do not have to be relegated to off in the distance hopes of lying on a cloud and playing a harp. On the contrary the heartbeat of eternity is experiential relationship with God in the present. When we sense, touch, place our hands on, taste and move in communion with the Holy Spirit we are thrust into eternal life now.

Jesus said, "the kingdom of God is at hand," when he walked on the planet with the sons of men. Everywhere Jesus went He released the fragrance of heaven on the earth, and manifested the eternal God in the now. Eternity was on display before the eyes of men and love commanded the atmosphere. Where Christ was, eternity was seen, heard, and felt. Yet eternity was still distant. Men and women who encountered Christ experienced eternity, but only a fuzzy glimpse of the outer rim. They could not perceive the inner workings of Christs being: His thoughts, opinions, the deep desires, the inner chambers of His heart. But I pose to you that through the cross the sons and daughters of God have access into the consuming fire of the eternal Gods heart; access into becoming one with the Maker of heaven and earth, the Father of Glory and His son Jesus Christ. We have access to experience eternity now!

Many today in the body of Christ are experiencing heaven on earth, being thrusted into the heartbeat of eternity through a deep abiding relationship in Christ. Not a knowing from a distance, not a knowing of the mind, but a rapturous experience that consumes mind, body and soul. A knowing that quenches and breeds a disdain for every pleasure not rooted in Christ. A knowing that creates a ravenous, everlasting hunger in their souls for more of Him. And yet, at the very same time there are many in the body of Christ who have more experiential encounter with their jobs, family, and temporal things of this passing earth than the One they were created to be in communion with. They are living as though in the distant future they hope to one day have access to eternity and Gods kingdom when it is Gods greatest desire to share Himself and His kingdom now for those who want Him. Due to the deception of a distant God they settle for the pleasures of the world and have little to no experience with eternity; little to no experience with Christ.

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yes the deep things of God. 1 Corinthians 2:9,10

Seeing things that have not been seen, hearing things that have not been heard, and understanding possibilities, emotions, realms, experiences, and ideas that have never been perceived by man. This is our portion: to know God. And this is our inheritance: to have eternal life in the one who laid down His life for us, Jesus Christ!!

Nothing besides Christ can satisfy the deep inner workings of our mind, body and souls. We were made for nothing less! Who is willing to surrender everything to know this Jesus, to know eternity? And what is worth not receiving Him? The further we surrender our body, soul and mind to be conformed to His likeness, the greater we taste of His glory, and the more we will encounter eternity!

And this is eternal life that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. John 17:3


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Coming Soon...

This month we were happy to welcome our first out of state visitors. Our good friends Steve and Brad were able to come out to see us June 31st-July 6th. We enjoyed eating meals together, having times of worship and prayer, going to the river, the Buffalo Bill reservoir and the 4th of July parade in Cody. It was a blessing to have them with us. It felt like we picked up right where we left off when we last saw them about 10 months ago. On July 7th we got the opportunity to attend our first Rodeo in Cody, Wyoming. It was a lot fun! One of my favorite events was when they invited all the children 12 and under down to the bottom level. Then they let 3 calves loose with ribbons attached to their tails. The children chased the calves and the first 3 to get the ribbons won a prize. Samuel wanted to go down and be with the other kids. Maybe next year he can give it a try.

Steve, Cody and Brad

Buffalo Bill Reservoir

39 weeks !!!

I am trying to cherish each moment in these last few days I have with Samuel as my only child. I know things will be a little different when Abigail is born and I'm praying he adjusts well. We talk about what it will be like when Abigail is born and how he can help take care of her. He is going to be such a great big brother! He is growing so fast and learning how to say so many new words. My favorite Samuel phrase as of late is: "I love you too much, Mommy!"

On July 11th our church, Living Fortress, had a baby shower for me. It was a lot of fun to spend the afternoon with these ladies, eating yummy cake and being blessed with so many gifts for Abigail. This month we have also received many packages in the mail from family and friends. Samuel has enjoyed helping us open these presents for Abigail and has received a couple for himself as well :) Thank you to everyone who has prayed, sent gifts and helped us prepare for Abigail's arrival.

It's hard to believe I'm already 39 1/2 weeks pregnant! My due date is July 22nd! I can feel that Abigail has dropped and my doctor said she is head down. During the past couple weeks I have begun to feel more contractions. But they aren't very consistent yet. The closest contractions have been 20 minutes apart. I know some people experience contractions for weeks and others pick up fairly quickly. I hope Abigail comes sometime this week, but only God knows the day she will be born.

By You I have been upheld from birth; You are He who took me out of my mother's womb. My praise shall be continually of You. Psalm 71:6