This is our view as we drive to Yellowstone, which is 50 miles east of Cody, WY

Going for a walk by the river

We have been in Cody, WY for a little over a month now. The Lord has done great things so far. Over a month ago, we felt the Lord lead us here, not knowing anything about the town or what lay ahead for us. Through prayer we believe the Lord wants us to have a home here and invest in the family. So far, we have met great people in various churches. A wonderful family has opened up their home to us and we are staying with them while we are looking for a place of our own. Cody, WY has a great library with a fun children's room that has blocks and fun things for Samuel to do. They also have a child development group come a couple times a month to do a
ctivities with kids
Samuel's age. He loves doing the crafts and being around other kids. Samuel has been talking more and seems to be changing more everyday. He loves doing things by himself or with others and he is starting to tell me more often when he needs to go potty!! This is exciting! I'm glad he is starting to show more interest in the potty. I am 20 weeks now and feeling good. We got to see our baby on ultrasound a few weeks ago and it looks like baby is healthy! Praise the Lord! I have been feeling the baby move more too and that is fun. Cody is also applying for jobs. He would love to work on a ranch or do something outdoors. We are praying for the Lord to open the doors that need to be open. Since we have been in Cody, we have had quite a few opportunities to share the gospel and/or pray with people.
One afternoon Cody was sitting in a parking lot talking on the phone. After he got off the phone he noticed a woman in a car parked near him. His heart started to hurt and he felt the Lord lead him to go talk to her. He asked her if she had any heart problems or knew anyone with heart problems. Tears started to come down her face and she said her grandson, Sam, was in the hospital with holes in his heart. Cody prayed with this woman for Sam and we believe he was healed.
During this time of waiting for what the Lord has for us, I have been reading Andrew Murray's book, "Waiting on God". In the past few weeks, I have begun to find enjoyment in waiting with God. Here is an excerpt from his book that I want to share:
It is as we know how blessed the waiting on God has become to our own souls, that we will confidently hope in the blessing to come on the church around us. The keyword of all our expectations will be, He has said, "All they who wait on Me will not be ashamed." (Isa 49:23) From what He has done in us, we will trust Him to do mighty things around us. "Blessed are all they that wait for him." (Isa 30:18) Yes, blessed even now in the waiting. The promised blessings for ourselves, or for others, may tarry. The unutterable blessedness of knowing and having Him who has promised--the divine Blesser, the living Fountain of the coming blessings--is even now ours. Do let this truth acquire full possession of your souls, that waiting on God is itself the highest privilege of man, the highest blessedness of His redeemed child. Even as the sunshine enters with its light and warmth, with its beauty and blessing, into every little blade of grass that rises upward out of the cold earth, so the everlasting God meets, in the greatness and the tenderness of His love, each waiting child, to shine in his heart "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Cor. 4:6). Read these words again, until your heart learns to know what God waits to do to you. Who can measure the difference between the great sun and that little blade of grass? And yet, the grass has all of the sun it can need or hold.Do you believe that in waiting on God, His greatness and your littleness suit and meet each other most wonderfully. Just bow in emptiness and poverty and utter weakness, in humility and meekness, and surrender to His will before His great glory, and be still. As you wait on Him, God draws near. He will reveal Himself as the God who will mightily fulfill His every promise. And, let your heart continually take up the song: "Blessed are all they that wait for him."