Happy 2nd birthday Samuel!
To know that the God of the universe put on flesh and came to the earth in the form of a baby is amazing. How our minds can wrap around this fact and mystery is the result of faith. Faith that alone comes from God and indeed is a gift from Him. As we continue to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the many gifts that He has given us, I reflected on the things that I am thankful for. I am thankful for my family: a wonderful husband and a beautiful son who both remind me to live life to the fullest everyday. I am thankful to have been so blessed to know two wonderful, gifted and loving men, Caleb Morris and Grandpa Black, who we miss dearly. I am thankful for a group of supportive and praying family and friends that helped me cope through my miscarriage. And I am thankful to find out a month ago that I am pregnant! The baby is due toward the end of July. But what I am most thankful for is the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. My faith in Jesus Christ is what my life is centered and grounded on. My Jesus Christ gives my life meaning and gives my life purpose. It is in Jesus that I find faith, hope, and love. Here is an excerpt from my journal:
God, You are awesome in holiness. You are beautiful in majesty. Your heart is full of love and is overflowing. Your compassion is transcendent and has no limit. Your mercy is good and your justice is right. Your kindness is pure and your goodness is unfailing. Your joy is my strength and my salvation. Your peace surpasses understanding. Your patience is mind boggling. Your self- control is powerful. Your humility is friendly and your faithfulness is constant. Your truth is righteous and Your righteousness is truth. You are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. You call me Your friend. Your grace abounds. Your fire is consuming. Your Spirit is my Comforter and Your Son is my Savior. You are the Bright and Morning Star and Your light outshines the sun. Your message is love and Your way is the cross.