My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all the day, for I do not know their limits. Psalm 71:15
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
"You're not allowed in our tree house,” shout those from within
Silly grins and devilish looks, the torrents of shame crash in
The door is slammed closed, and the seat is taken
You're not picked for the team, rejection is awakened
Too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall
Ugly puts another brick in the wall
Not enough talent, you're never going to make it
Throw the towel in, it's time you learn to fake it
“Misfit, Outcast, Weirdo,” whisper the posse of exclusions brigade
Noses held high, forearms folded, condemnations facade
Deception lowers its anchor when majority is more than one
Egos erupt, visions blow up, and consciences go numb
If you did a thousand things right, what was wrong would be seen
You're not a citizen of this world, Love is calling and has made you clean
There is a shout heard on high from heavens gates
With tears in His eyes your Savior is pleading, "You're not too late"
"Though ten thousand have pushed you away and failed you before
You're invited into My kingdom and I will share it with you forevermore"
"One million wrong turns is not one too many
I see you spotless, I forgot that you have made any"
"Through My eyes I've never seen you make a mistake
Love always catches you in tender arms of grace"
"The apple of My eye, the favorite in My sight
You have been chosen through adoption, a Kings son by right"
"Cherished above all creation, My obsession will never end
You are My treasure, the one I jealously defend"
"No one can snatch you away from My arms of love
I give you My peace and counsel, My Spirit from above"
"In faith turn your back on this world that has abused you
I am your Father in heaven and I am here to choose you"
Silly grins and devilish looks, the torrents of shame crash in
The door is slammed closed, and the seat is taken
You're not picked for the team, rejection is awakened
Too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall
Ugly puts another brick in the wall
Not enough talent, you're never going to make it
Throw the towel in, it's time you learn to fake it
“Misfit, Outcast, Weirdo,” whisper the posse of exclusions brigade
Noses held high, forearms folded, condemnations facade
Deception lowers its anchor when majority is more than one
Egos erupt, visions blow up, and consciences go numb
If you did a thousand things right, what was wrong would be seen
You're not a citizen of this world, Love is calling and has made you clean
There is a shout heard on high from heavens gates
With tears in His eyes your Savior is pleading, "You're not too late"
"Though ten thousand have pushed you away and failed you before
You're invited into My kingdom and I will share it with you forevermore"
"One million wrong turns is not one too many
I see you spotless, I forgot that you have made any"
"Through My eyes I've never seen you make a mistake
Love always catches you in tender arms of grace"
"The apple of My eye, the favorite in My sight
You have been chosen through adoption, a Kings son by right"
"Cherished above all creation, My obsession will never end
You are My treasure, the one I jealously defend"
"No one can snatch you away from My arms of love
I give you My peace and counsel, My Spirit from above"
"In faith turn your back on this world that has abused you
I am your Father in heaven and I am here to choose you"
Back in the 'Burg

We are back in Missouri! Cody, Samuel and I arrived about 2 weeks ago. We have enjoyed spending time with friends and family we haven't seen in about 6 months.
For those who don't know we gave our Ford escort away before we left Missouri in December. We believed the Lord would provide a vehicle for us when we needed one and He did! Before we parted from our friends that we had been traveling with the past 5 months they saidthe Lord wanted them to give us their van! The same day they told us this, they received a call from a friend who said they felt led to buy their family a car! How awesome is our God!
A few days ago while Cody was in prayer one morning in the van, he began to smell coffee in the Spirit. There was no coffee to be found. Soon after he was given a vision of the coffee shop down town. The Lord told us to go there, so we did. When we pulled into a parking space there was a woman knocking on the window of our van. Cody got out and found out that she had been sitting at the coffee shop reading her bible. She wanted to enter a magazine photography contest and felt like seeing our van was a sign that she should still enter it since that day was the deadline and she had no pictures yet. We hung out with her and her kids all day. She took us out to lunch, snapped photos, and we had the privilege of ministering to her. Talk about a divine appointment!!
Samuel is 18 months now!! I can't believe he's already 1 1/2! Cody recently taught him to say "ouch" when he gets a boo-boo. He will say it and lift up his pant legs to show the scrapes on his knees. If I say "moo" or "ruff ruff" he can imitate me. And if he's playing with a car he will go "vroom vroom." He can point to his nose if we ask him where his nose is. He's also really good at waving and will wave at people driving by when we go for a walk. If he wants to go outside he will bring me his shoes and sit on my lap, so we can put them on. He is also doing really well at following directions. I will ask him to give me something and he can do it. He also likes to help me load and unload the dishwasher and put clothes in the dryer. We went to a friends house last night for a bible study and our friend gave Samuel a bike that was too small for their son. Samuel loves riding his new bike and being outside.
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