We had a great time with Cody's family for Christmas and New Year's. It was nice to have an extended visit with them and they enjoyed getting to spend time with Samuel. He has changed a lot over the past month. Samuel not only likes to take his blocks out of the container, he also likes to put them back in! Samuel likes to pick up objects and bring them to me. He knows how to feed himself with a spoon also! He doesn't always get it in every time, but he is doing a great job learning. One of Samuel's new nick names is "The Climber" because that's his new favorite thing to do. If it's there, he'll try and climb it. Today he had fun climbing on the chairs and then onto the kitchen table!! So, do not leave him alone in a room! Once he gets onto the table he likes to pick up things and throw them off!
Before leaving to come to California to see Cody's family we felt we were going to be staying here longer than we had originally thought. Not knowing exactly how long we would be in California, we felt led to end our lease at our apartment. We also felt the Lord leading us to give away many of our things. We gave the majority of our furniture to a friend who is a manager of an apartment complex. They plan on opening apartments to the homeless and discipling them.
Samuel and I are staying with some friends in San Jose while Cody and Julian are traveling down southern California to Arizona right now. They are sharing the gospel along the way and seeing people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In one testimony, they went to a skate park and were sharing the gospel with some teenagers. The majority of them were resistant to it, but one of them stuck around after the others left. He said that he felt like the reason they came all the way from Kansas City to California was to tell him about Jesus. He made a decision that day to live his life for the Lord!
Even though it is hard sometimes to be apart from Cody, I know the Lord has a purpose for it. With Cody being on this trip, the Lord has revealed to me how much I depend on Cody. I long to spend more time with the Lord and long to hear His voice. I am learning how to trust in the Lord in all things and He is teaching me how to hear His voice in greater ways. He has also been using this time to prune and refine my heart and reveal things that I didn't realize were in my heart.
I have found that as we have left our home and the majority of our belongings behind that I am left with Jesus. It's true that at the end of it all, all we have is Jesus. He is all we will have when we die and He is ultimately all that we can hold onto in this life. I desire to be filled with His love in such a way that when I meet other people, His love spills out of me and they are consumed by His love for them.
Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." Matthew 19:21
Then Peter answered and said to Him, "See we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?" So Jesus said to them, "...everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first." Matthew 19:27, 29, and 30