We had a great journey on our surprise visit out to California and are now back in Missouri. Samuel was a wonderful traveler. We left Warrensburg on April 28th and made it to Colorado that night where we set up camp. Samuel helped Cody start a fire. The next day we drove to the border of Utah and Nevada and spent the night at a hotel. The next day we made it to Grandma and Grandpa (John & Laurie) Morris' house. I hid behind some bushes while Cody put Samuel on their doorstep. Then Cody rang the door bell and ran behind the bushes. Laurie answered the door and said, "There's a baby on the doorstep!" They were all surprised to see us. We got to be there for Ashley's graduation party, Caleb's birthday and Mother's Day. We had a great visit with family and friends. Everyone enjoyed getting to see Samuel.